» Electronics and household app. » Review / complaint: IFB washing machine-Senorita Plus - Interlocking door lock handle | News #308778

IFB washing machine-Senorita Plus
Interlocking door lock handle

I have been using the IFB senorita plus washering machine for the last 10 years. Suddenly yesterday when I switched on, a spark came out

and I called the local electrician to look into it. He examined and found normal condition of the electrical connection and proper electricity is being received at the machine. Then we switched on the machine, and it did the washing. But we could not open the door using the interlocking door lock handle. It is not possible to open even after the washing and our effort to get a qualified technician of the IFB is is in vain for we could not a correct

telephone number or an authorised agent. will some one throw some light as to how the problem could be solved.?

Company: IFB washing machine-Senorita Plus

Country: India   State: Tamil Nadu   City: Chennai

Category: Electronics and household app.


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