Nuisance of street dogs

Animals & Birds

Hi I am Abhinav Saxena from Pankha Road. We are residing at street no.2 where there is nuisance of street dogs & it is increasing day by day. They bark all night & its impossible to sleep. Some residents also feed them which is not accaptable. Kindly look in to the matte

Company: Dogs
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: West Delhi
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Nuisance by street dogs
Street Dogs

Street Dog complaints

Havoc of Dogs
10-20 dogs in single street

Dog Squad of MCD
Stray Dogs Menace

Nuisance of neighbours dog and street stray dogs
Nuisance of neighbours dog and street stray dogs

Airtel, Vodaphone, Aircel, Tata=Mobile service providers
My-5=five cell numbers =Mobiles numbers calls are diverted to some Hindu terror dogs