C:EHKO India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai

Beauty & Appearance

This is my complaint against C: EHKO India Pvt. Ltd. headed by its C.E.O. Gautam Banerjee alongwith Sambasivam, Sipra, Saikumar, Sharad Bharadwaj & Aradhna Sharma that these people were invovled in the operations of the company and had appointed me as the superstockist for the territories of Delhi and U.P. Simultaneously. And after investing a lot of capital they sent me the stocks after 4-5 months and that too not according to my requirements. I had a huge amount of stock lying at my godown that had no markets in our territory. I had no other option except to wait for the company's assistance. The company was appointing the staff but was not paying them the salary. Hence the staff also left and i was left no where.

During the same period as per Gautam Banerjee's

recommendation i had arranged up for the regional office and godown at delhi and got into aggrement for 3 yrs. For this, i was compelled to even pay up the rent on behalf of the company for which i was told that i'll be getting a monthly reimbursement. Also i had arranged up for the office staff as per their aggreement and i was not even reimbursed the amount i paid for their salaries and godown's rent. I wiias harassed by the landlord for the payment of rent as the agreement was in my name. The local distributors were claiming refund but i had nothing to pay them as all my money was invested directly or indirectly in company.

While using the office with which i had my godown attached, the used to access my godown and took a lot of stocks with any prior notice. They even passed off a lot of stocks from my godown to other distributors and didn't gave me any payment for that too. When i used to tell Gautam Banerjee and Sharad Bharadwaj about all this they asked me to keep patience as all these were teething problems and will later be rectified. Later on refusing to work for the company any more during my personal meeting with Gautam Banerjee. He asked me to return the stocks for which i will be paid off immediately. I sent all the stock for immediate settlement but since then no responses i got from their side. Sharad bharadwaj had stopped picking up my calls and Gautam Banerjee was continously making fake committments. I have all the proofs and witnesses to support me and my verdict. I just claim a help and support so that i get a justified reimbusement of my money. I am into panic as i am under a lot of debt which i took to invest and maintain the working of the company i.e. C: EHKO India Pvt. ltd. There is a lot i have about thye company & people working over there. But as of now i need justice. I want my money else i'll commit suicide. I can't bear it any more. Please Please Please help me.

Company: C:EHKO India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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