Nakshatra diaminds
Wrong information on the website

Beauty & Appearance

Hi Sir /Madam,

I had placed an order from on 14th April for a pair of earrings costing around 21000rs. The order was delayed for some days because they wanted some additional information about my account, When all this was done in a week. After that they cncelled teh order saying that inventory is not available. it took a week for money to come back to me. I again placed an order worth 23, 150 Rs and provided all the details. Now they have come back to me again saying that Inventory is not available.

Could you please help me convince them send my order as soon as possible without me going through the cancellation and re ordering process. i have given them an option to send me some product but that needs tobe done ASAP. This has wasted a lot of my time. i am presently in US and cannot personally go and purchase the product,

Order 24654



Company: Nakshatra diaminds
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
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