Auto rickshaws
Misconduct of autodrive

Business & Finance

I am Nithya kumar. S from Salem, Tamil nadu I am working for Private concern, I am staying in Tin factory since 3 years. My branch office is in Jai Barath nagar near Coxtown. I used to travel by Auto frequently,

Today (17.09.2010) I got an auto no. KA 05C 7906 near RAMAMURTHY NAGAR BRIDGE at 7.50am, to go for my office at JAI BARATH NAGAR, I noticed the id displayed was not clear and photo also not visible only street name was visible as BOSE ROAD. After reaching destination Auto fare meter showed 32.50 Rs but he demanded RS.48.00 showing some paper.

while arguing he pushed my face with his hand, i tried to get a photo of id and auto mobile phone but he pushed mobile phone and took the auto and went away immediately with my 50.00Rs, i called for help no one was ready to help. Yesterday i paid Rs.36.00 to reach same place.after i moved to office because it was already late.

i called the telephone no.22 20 77 50 Indira nagar BDA complex regarding this issue and gave online complaint to commissioner.

Will i get any response from any of them or this complaint will be deleted

after reading.

Nithya kumar. S

97399 75077

Company: Auto rickshaws
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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