
Business & Finance

Aviva policy RSG1721896

Save Gard.

My name is Manish Pitroda. i went to ABN-AMRO juhu branch in mumbai. i had very good relation with people working in the bank. Kalpana from ABN-AMRO and Mr. Abhijit from Aviva.

They cheated me saying that this policy is giving amazing returns and bagged me to invest in this company. they very well knew that i make lots of investments so this time they made me invest in Aviva.

They said this company offer very good returns and there is 3 years of login period after 3 years if you surrender then they will deduct 4 % of that days Nav amt and after 4 years if i surrender then they will deduct 2 % and after 5 years no surrender charges...

i e-mail aviva and they said Penalty on Initial Units = 68.16%

Penalty on Accumulation Units = 25.43%

i was about to get heart attack...!!!

as soon as i completed my 3 years login period i e-mail them to check how much money i can get they sent me figure of Rs 74, 912/-, where in i paid 108000 /=

I felt really bad as i did biggest mistake buying this policy... and you wont believe i made my friends also bought this policy..!!!

i specifically said while buying a policy that i want an investment not a Insurance..but this ABN-AMRO people cheated many people.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Company: AVIVA
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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