Bank of INdia, Ghansoli Branch
Mortage Loan

Business & Finance

I have visited the Bank of India, Ghansoli Branch for a mortage laon as same was required for the immediate payment to be made in the hosptial for my dad who was undergoing a Bypass surgery.

The Bank Manager was so irresponsible & was not at all supportive & mentioned as there a no staff in the bank, so this will take some & asked to give all my documents which i have provided immediately & he said that he will get back to me.

But there were no respone from him regarding this loan will happen or no, i use to continoulsy call him as i required the amount very urgently in the hosptial.

I then again tried to call him & he said that it will not happen & kept the phone without intimating any reason for same. I then visited the Branch & asked for my documens which i had given & that bank Manger had not even passed my document & was just lying in his cupboard.

My whole family is having an account with this branch, but this person was able to help a bit & just gave my documents without any explanation.

I told him several times that i require it for the immediate hear surgery of my father but he was not bother, buzy on his phone not understanding the problem which the people are going.

Kindly help us in this regard & see what can happen & see that something some happen.

Teresa Bhaskar

Company: Bank of INdia, Ghansoli Branch
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Thane
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