Barclay's Bank / Credit Card
Inculcating suicidal tendency in custome

Business & Finance

Sir / Madam,

Subject: Inculcating suicidal tendency in customer

Ref: Barclay’s Times Card

I am a Barclay's Times Card- life time free Credit Card holder from 2007. I am a good customer by all means and used the card with discretion.

In March third week, while waiting for an interview call, I received the Barclay's call offering the Platinum Card. It came to me only when I received the message that I have to pay an annual fee of 9999/- (in Words: Rupees Nine thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine), Immediately, I raised a complaint with the Barclay's customer Care asking them to cancel it immediately. (Rejecting the new card).

From then they started playing on my nerves with the statements.

By April I got exhausted of trying to convey my disagreement by calling customer care and also by sending a mail to Barclay's.

I have raised a complaint again in June for not attending and answering my first complaint.(Mail Copy)

As I have not received a proper reply from Barclay's, I drafted a mail to Barclay's Grievance Cell and informed them the facts and requested them to take necessary action. They took 2 months to send their reply, saying that they can not help.

By July I got fed up and stopped payments. However, on request from the collection people, I made payments in Aug and Oct.

I found that, I am making excess payments. I paid Rs 6300/- against EMI dues of Rs 5902/-. Hence I stopped my payments altogether from Nov and asked for a statement of my Times Card, when customer care called me.

I can not close the Times Card as the EMI conversion runs till Jan. And I can not pay all charges attributed to me, as I am not using the new Platinum Card.

Due to this mental torture, I got health hazards and had to undergo medical treatment. I am afraid that in despair I may kill or commit suicide, if this is not fixed sooner. Hence I am looking for the intervention of Indian Consumer Complaints Forum in resolving this fix.

My credit rate, my health, my behavior, my attitude are badly affected due to Barclay's grievance redresal system's failure.

I am rewarded with mental torture for being a good customer.

I am mislead and enforced to accept an offer with oral consent.

If a Card can be offered by oral consent, why can't they revert the same on Oral request?

I have not given my written consent for the Platinum card and in fact sent a dis-agreement note rejecting the Platinum Card.

Please tell me the procedure to lodge a complaint against Barclay's Bank / Credit Card division.

Yours truly,

Srinivasa Kumar Poruri

Company: Barclay's Bank / Credit Card
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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