Barclays Bank
Wrong charges levied by Bank on credit Card

Business & Finance

Baclays has activated Insurance Policy on my credit card without my request and consent.

On the same day, I called Customer Care and informed them that I never asked for any insurance policy but that has been activated on my card. The customer care official informed me that they have a tie up with ICICI for insurance policy and it has been activated by mistake on my account and also promised me that the amount will be waived off as I did not ask for that policy.

After repetitive call they just reversed 75% of the charges. I again called to waive off the remaining as I am not liable to pay the any charges wrongly levied by bank because I never requested for any policy.

They charged approx INR 1400 in the month of April- may'2010 as a penalty on the remaining 25% (INR 250) charges.

After knowing about penalty, I again called customer care, they informed me that this penalty will also be reversed as original charges will also be reversed because this policy was activated my mistake of Bank.

Now Barclays is saying that my consent was clear but I never consented for any policy.

After my so many request for providing me the evidence where I consented for this policy, they are not not providing me any evidences. I know they can’t because I never given any consent. Without my consent how can they levy any charges/penalties on me?

I am sorry to say that Barclays is harassing and cheating their customer by unfair practices. They have tied up with ICICI just to make money by fooling their own customer. They are activating insurance policy without customer approval and after repetitive calls they are not reversing the charges. They are charging penalties on their own mistake.

Please stop this unfair practice of harrasing and making fool of customer, reverse the unjustified charges and penalties levied on me.

I am again repeating that I never consented for any policy with Barclays or ICICI prudential.

Other details are:

Email Refno: 99100511610075

Reference Number of compliant - 20100511610075 - Barclays Bank PLC India

Company: Barclays Bank
Country: India
State: Delhi
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