Citifinancial Consumer Finance Pvt Ltd
Make fraud Home loan with Conspiracy

Business & Finance

I have take a home loan in 2006 sum of 255790/- on my own property. He this loan has increase sum of 1431500/- dated 30/9 without my consent and without my signature approval. Your Company Executive make conspiracy with supporting other persons and make fraud with me.

I have never taken cheque sum of 1431500/- in my bank Account.and i have also don`t know who has collect this amount behalf of me or my name. You company is liable to make/ this conspiracy with me. I have also informed in written to your local branch on 23/8.Your company personnels have committed offence of 420, 406, 120-B IPC against me.

when i have get knowledge of this fraud i have go to your Jaipur Branch and asked my Statement and also request to arrange complete documents of my home loan no. 16048781 (old no.8234458) but till date i have no any information about this.

I am informing you to check this fraud and who is responsible for this fraud /conspiracy. Arrange me my complete loan documents and i am give you 15 days for internal investigation otherwise i will take necessary action against you company personnels.


Om Prakash Choudhary

C-223 Tara Nagar, Jhotwara, Jaipur

Mo. 09024217414.

Company: Citifinancial Consumer Finance Pvt Ltd
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
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