Punjab National Bank
Delayed working & Ignorance towards customres

Business & Finance

Dear Sirs,

I want to file some complaints about working system & Ignorance by Staff -members of Punjab National Bank, Balotra Branch (in Barmer District). I have a Saving Bank account (A/c no. 0551001500003877 in the name of "Samta Kumari Balar"). I have applied for net banking. For this, i filled up the required form almost about 3 months ago. When i went to branch to get user id & password, they told me that i have to fill another form because the form has lost. i filled the form second time. when i approached them for user id & password, they told me that userid & password have been allocated as against first form. so, these are to be cancelled. & i had to fill for third form.& tone of the office was so irrespectful & non-cooperative. & till now, i have gone there 40 times.they asked me to come another day, day-alter-day, week after week. They don't respect their clients & their time.even, this is their duty towards their customers. 3 months is not a lesser time. Also, they refuse to do entries in my passbook.tell me how can i check my account details. What the non-sense is being going on? If they can't serve their customers, then why do they approach them to open accounts. i want to let my complaint reached to the Regional office, jodhpur & Head office, Chandigarh also. This branch staff members have got rotten.you can also see that because of them, 3 managers have been changed in a year.please, change them otherwise clients will have to take some bitter steps . this also reduce the reputation of the bank. Please take some action and call me on my cell no. 919214407530 Mr. Sandeep Kumar Balar (her Brother)

Company: Punjab National Bank
Country: India
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