Future Bazaar.com
Debit card illegally used

Business & Finance

Dear Sir,

An imposter has fraudulently used my debit card (issued by Indian overseas bank) on 21/10/10 for three transactions to buy articles online from Future Bazaar.com. When I got my passbook updated on 23/10/10, I noticed these transactions and immediately requested Indian Overseas Bank to block my card and also get details of the transactions. Preliminary inquiry by the Bank revealed that the transactions were linked to my debit card number and were done online. But I had already lost Rs.24, 650/- due to these fake transactions and this has caused enormous emotional and financial strain to me. I tried calling Future Bazaar immediately but in Mumbai the calls get diverted to some remote call center located in suburbs. Though the customer support executives were patient and supportive, they could not give me a concrete solution or connect me to the main office of Future Bazaar where I could actually lodge my complaint. I did not have any order number or other details in the bank statement but internet searches revealed that the transaction amounts matched exactly with those of mobile phones and other items. Future Bazaar’s customer support staff just kept telling me to mail the documents and also gave me the address and phone number of their office but the interlocutor at their office in Mumbai central were indifferent and not forthcoming. I will try again to call on 25 Oct but I believe my efforts would be in vain-because all that the people have to say is it is all “online”. I have also registered a complaint with the Police and the cyber police (who say they deal with amounts only above 2 lakh)-the local Police have stated that they will just forward the complaint to the bank. This, Sir, looks like a ping-pong ball game where I am being yo-yoed from pillar to Post and as a middle class person with limited financial resources, these kind of fake transactions online by imposters taking away public money and with the company skirting taking responsibility and addressing complaints is not warranted. I am really traumatized by this experience and earnestly request your assistance for getting me reprisal and refund of my hard earned money.

Company: Future Bazaar.com
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Big Bazar

Future Bazaar

Axis Bank
Debit card


ICICI Bank Credit card
Issued card without permission and delivered it on wrong hand

Illigal construction at A-151 3rd floor Fateh Nagar jail road New Delhi 110018

Big Bazaar Thiruvananthapuram A Techie's bad experience with Big Bazaar