Home Loan
Home Loan for renovation @SBI

Business & Finance

I wish to have House renovation and remodelling loan from SBI worth of Rs 2lakh.

For this i approached to Srinagar road, Kolkata-700094 branch for further proceeding. But fact is no one responded well in regard to this, they told repeatedly that my application will not be approved from processing central cell, they completely demoralized me for the whole duration. At per Act of Information i want to know that where any particular documentation is there that for low amount applicant loan will not be approved by Bank?

Also SBI is giving loan High-5 for at fixed interest rate. Can anyone drive that whether i am eligible for this particular scheme or not?

Company: Home Loan
Country: India
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House Loan
Harrashment Service By SBI

SBI Credit Card
Unwanted Charges for Promotional Offers

TRANSFER OF PPO SBI (01443) TO SBS (04098)

SBI Card
Harreshment calls form sbi card side

MakeMy Trip.com
22, 185 INR been deducted from my SBI account but i didn't get my International Air Ticket or Confirmation ID from Make My Trip.com

Mutual Fund transuction is pending since four months

Fraud on Personal Loan commited rate of interest 13% and given on 20%