Collection of Debts

Business & Finance

I was holding this ABN AMBRO Credit Card in Year As per my knowledge I had cleared all the dues and then left the company whre i was working then. Recently I started getting calls from my parents, my mom is 68 years and Dad is 75 years old saying there are few people visiting home and telling her story about the overdue payment. My parents are repeatedly telling them that shez got married away and doesnt stay here from past 4 years, but the agent still kept on insisting in very loud voice and threatening them for the payment. Somehow agent took my brothers no and the recovery agent Named Neha Joshi is repeatedly calling him in this referance. After all this i tried to approach them on Email and asked to send all the details. I was shocked to see the statement. Card last swiped for Rs 1000 which i beleived i send the last cheque in year 2005..after that i never received any statements from the bank and to my surprise the bank has accumalated 23000 INR as part of Interest and now they are calling in year 2010 for the balance amount..Last week When I was in India First Thing I upfrontly called this bitch and asked for the settlement. Initially againt 23000INr she offered me 18000INR which I never agreed to... then she again called up and lowered the amount to 15000 INR, I agreed to pay in 2 installments and close this matter. This time she did not agree and we both came on decision that she is free to file a case against me. This conversation I already had and later after that day her whole team is repeatedly calling my brother who is not at all in touch with me. I got the message from my parents and then I called up the REcovery agent Mr Santosh and warned him if he again calls up or by any chance disturbs my parents i will ask them to file a Police Complain against you and Neha Joshi for harrassing Senior Citizens... Well its after a week I have yet not received any update from my home. but i will really like to knw how to deal with these people.

Issue is I dont even owe 2000 INR and i have still agreed for a settlement so that my parents dont get tensed and since they knw this they are purposely doing the same thing.

Company: RBS
Country: India
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