Payment of bill

Business & Finance

Dear friend

I am not agreeing with you. if due date is 21st marchthen howz the payment released by you on 17.03.2010 and for your kind information due date is 21.04.2010 thats why I am asking for soft copy. if you can not provide me the same it is defaul on the ICICI bank side and you have to pay me the Interest for one month advance payment as per ICICI bank interest charging rules.

If the same due date wronly mention by the Bajaj Allianz then pklease provide me the copy of request raised by them soft or hard scanned copy so that I can follow with them.

i have loose interest on that and Income tax exemption also. As I had alrady inform in my previous mails also that in 10 i can exemption only for Rs. 1- not on 24000/- due to mistake of ICICI bank.

Jitendra Chhabra


"Friendship often ends in love..., But love in friendship..Never..!! "

& On Fri, 5/14/10, ICICIBankCare wrote:

From: ICICIBankCare

Subject: RE:'ICICICARE=037-588-136' ICICI Bank Credit Card

To: "jitendra chhabra"

Date: Friday, May 14, 8:07 PM

Dear Mr. Chhabra,

We refer to our earlier e-mail of May 12 regarding your ICICI Bank Credit Card.

As per the confirmation received from the biller, the due date for Allianz Bajaj was March 21 and payment was received by the merchant on March 19.

As per process due date in our system will be 3 days prior to the actual due date, for that reason it was uploaded with due date as March 17.

Details of the policy:

Policy Number: 0092614995.

Policy Amount: Rs. 12000.00

Transaction ID: 146660627

We regret to provide any soft or physical copy as this payment is made online.

Further, we request you to contact the merchant for any further assistance.

We hope you would meet the above explanation with understanding and acceptance.


Arunjyothi E

Office of Head Service Quality


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Company: ICICI Bank
Country: India
State: Delhi
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