IDBI home loan
Cheating in the return of Process fees

Business & Finance

I have a home loan with IDBI, I had applied for top up loan. IDBI charged me the processing fee of INR 5, 515 upfront. Few days it was learned that i wasn't eligibile due to new IDBI policy. Upfront, i had instructed the bank to return back my cheques. 10 days later i started receiving calls from IDBI for verification of my address. I was quite shock to know with the miscommunication within the organization. Few days later, I was surprised to know my case was loged with IDBI for loan process. When i repeatedly requsted the bank for the return, after 40 days i got a cheque of Rs 3015. IDBI deducted Rs 2500 (45% deduction) as the processing fees.

I just want to know from IDBI that if loan is declined due to policy change then why a customer has to suffer. Rs 2500/- is huge amount for an employed person..

Company: IDBI home loan
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai Suburban
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