LICHFL/Home Loan

Business & Finance

The Branch Manager Date : 20/09/07

L I C Housing Finance Ltd.


Dear Sir,

Re: Queries regarding Loan A/C no. 026507774, App. No.11893

First of all I would like to express thanks for sanctioning me the loan of Rs. 13, 00, 000. In this regard I have some queries which are as follows :

1. I was assured vide your letter dated 10/07 & 03/08 of getting a loan of Rs. 13, 00, 000 for the purchase of house. But the loan disbursed so far is only Rs.11, 49, 000. The details of disbursements are as follows:

Sr. No. Date of Disbursement Amount

1 02/08 Rs.9, 35, 000

2 2nd week of Aug Rs.1, 14, 000

3 08/09 Rs.1, 00, 000

Total Disbursement Rs.11, 49, 000

Please let me know the reason as to why the remaining amount i.e. Rs.1, 51, 000 has not

been disbursed to me as yet.

2. The EMI of Rs 13, 627is being charged on the sanctioned amount of Rs 13, 00, 000 instead of disbursed amount of Rs.11, 49, 000. Please charge EMI on the disbursed amount basis and refund the difference.

3. It was also told that the interest charged on the loan would be 11% p.a.. However, the interest mentioned in the above mentioned letters is 11.25% p.a.. Please explain the discrepancy.

4. The processing fees was charged on Rs.13, 00, 000 instead of the disbursed amount of Rs. 11, 49, 000. The difference in the processing fee should be refunded to me.

5. Please let me know the details (i.e. in what respect) of the amount deducted on 18/08/07 vide cheque no.793603 of Rs.246.Please also furnish the details of the amount deducted in lieu of the loan till date.

Please resolve the above mentioned issues at the earliest and acknowledge me.


Akshay Kumar

Mob No 9935556499

Company: LICHFL/Home Loan
Country: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Lucknow
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