Fraud email

Business & Finance

Maruti Suzuki India Limited

Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi-110070


Tell: 919654299096

Dear applicant;Tanmoy Bhattacharjee

We are in receipt of your email, Be informed that you will be required to make the security deposit payment so that we can be send your offer letter also you need to show the scan copy of the deposit slip and offer letter at the gate in-other to be allowed into the company compound for the interview by our security. You are required to pay the refundable interview security deposit to this below account by today in-other to attend the Interview on 10 May. As soon as the payment is made, please kindly send us the payment slip through email for confirmation as it will help us facilitate the documents for other requirement for the preparation of your interview date. Be informed that the account given to you is the Senior HRD Account Number that is been used for this recruitment. The reason for that is because such an amount will be refunded back to applicants immediately after the interview and that is the reason we are not using the Company Bank Account. Do ensure it's a cash payment so that you can send the scan copy of the deposit slip for verification by our account department and also to enable us return it back to you immediately the interview is over.

Below are the account details for payment:

Bank Name:- state bank of india

Account Name:- Anti Kumar Singh

Account Number:- 20081207955

Reasons of payment: The refundable payment of 17, 200 rupees is to make sure that you will be coming for the interview in other for us not to lose in sending you the flight ticket because this company will be responsible for your accommodation and after the interview, your amount will be return to you in cash.


Shinzo Nakanishi

Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director,



This is the mail wht I received. I spoke to Maruti, Delhi head office...

Maruti Suzuki India Limited

Nelson Mandela Road,

Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi-110070

Board no.46781000

Fax : 46150275 and 46150276

They told don't send the money.because that is fraud.

Please take some serious action ASAP against

"Bank Name:- state bank of india

Account Name:- Anti Kumar Singh

Account Number:- 20081207955"

Country: India
State: Delhi
  <     >  


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