Nandilath G Mart
Nandilath G Mart- Fleecing by auto drivers, targeting customers of big stores

Business & Finance

Hi guys... this complaint is not about Nandilath G mart, but the auto drivers in front of the store .. in fact the shopping at the store was fine .. though did not avail much discount or gifts the attitude of the guys over there were great... so forgave them for not providing the discounts :)

But there is a saying that nowadays you need to fear the elephant shit more than the elephant himself .. that was exactly my experience, getting out of the store, i hired an auto and the driver confirmed that it would cost 30 to the nearest restaurant. But when we reached the restaurant the guy wants 20 more, it not about money here but about the way he asked for it, rude, arrogant and as the conversation continued he even became foul mouthed .. (the idiot could have earned more by the time he argued with me). he didnt even seem to notice that there we women in the group .. long story short .. he got money but lost the respect, not only for himself but also for the city ..

I really think that all taxis and private mass transport systems should be bought under a more strictly accountable framework .. these guys can practically can set the tone for the day for their customers and unfortunately its not usually a pleasant situation.. what do guys think??. have you guys gone through any such experience?. or is always unfortunately me whop gets that the wrong eong end... lol..

Company: Nandilath G Mart
Country: India
State: Kerala
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