Paikpara Om Research Foundation

Business & Finance

For all those who have been hoodwinked by this company, or have been approached for business partnership, career, kindly DONT EVEN GIVE IT A THOUGHT!

This Company is a highly fraudulent one! It is Run by a prtly man who SAYS he is a Doctorate! Some freaking PhD he has done. Doesnt know one bit about the the human body. Might have been a lab boy in some testing centre, and has come into enough black money to open up a business. His wife is the managing director along with him, and his brother in low his business partner. They lure people into getting into business with with by saying NGO brings in BIG returns, but is total FRAUD! They have police cases against them, and continuosly go out of town to avoid court dates!!

ALERT to those seeking jobs: They want to hire people from MASTERS in lifescience, so that they can show customers they have so many qualified people working for them. The Hire people with such profile, promise them a career in research and then end up making them do SALES WORK! The work involves hookwinking people into getting their blood profiling done, which they outsource to another local lab situated in North Calcutta. They say, for you to do your research you need samples, but that is just a way of making you sell the medical check up! Why on freaking earth would someone get their health profiling done from some run-down unheardof office in shabby Paikpara when there is Apollo and the rest?!!

For more on their fraud schemes you can visit their website: They have hired some good professional to make a swank website BUT DONT BELIEVE A WORD OF IT.

Company: Paikpara Om Research Foundation
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

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