Readers Digest
Cheating play to canvas subscribers

Business & Finance

REaders Digest use to send mails that the persons is selected for the prizes, like car, 35 lakhs, one crore etc. They send forms to the address. After submission of forms to them they send mails announcing the jackpot prizes. Pictures, like car and key. If you click any key that will siut to first prize. They will go on sending mails informing inorder to get eligibility to participate in prize winning, one should become a subscriber.

They will also send offers like books at 30% off, 40% off, shoes clothing etc., at 30% off etc. They are worthless. they will worth only 10% of value they prized.

Pucca cheating.

I wasted some money by subcribing

PLZ do not be cheated by clicking their mails and prize award schemes they offer.

Company: Readers Digest
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Cuddalore
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Airtel Cheate

S T A M I N U S . N E T

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t
S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t


Cheating/ scam by offering contest


Airtel cheate

Readers Digest
I got a pramotional mail for Rs.35, 00, 000.00 so please let me if this is fake mail or not

Readers Digest
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