Dominos Pizza - Delhi
Pathetic service

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I ordered a VEGETARARIAN Pizza, they made a bill for a vegetarian pizza and gave me a chicken pizza.

In India vegetarianism is attached to religious beliefs and had I eaten it, GOD...!

Secondly, he did not come in 30 minutes as promised.

This is the Dominos at CP in Delhi, Order taken by some goonk called ANIL at around 8;50p.m (sic.)

Company: Dominos Pizza - Delhi
Country: India
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Dominos Pizza India Lts
Delay in delivery

Dominos Pizza (Thaverkire, Bangalore)
Worse service and cheap tactics to break the promise of Dominos (Free Pizza if not delivered in 30 Mins)

Late delivery of pizza & irrant behaviour of staff

Domino's Pizza
Poor Quality&Service

Dominos Pizza
Delivery of pizza and harassment

Late delivery

Cheated By Dominos

Worst service

Dominos Pizza
Pizza and products delivered were not fresh and taste was very bad