Data conversion job

Career & Work

Don't ever register in Balaji Data Services, Kurukshetra (now opened a branch in Ambala Cantt also). This is a toatally fraud company. They will charge Rs. - or more from you with the promises made to you, even in writing. They give you so called training after you are registered with minimum of Rs 500/-. After 2-3 days u get so called job which will be totally different from what they say at the time of registration. And, at the time of registration they will tell you to work for some hrs only per day, you earn this much or that much. But when you sign agreement, there are all kinds of clauses (not finishing work in time, errors etc. and they will say that you errors will not be checked by them but by the company in UK, God Knows whether it exists or not) by which they are able to put all blame upon you and they enjoy the money deposited by you.

Their real modus operendi is to take money from you with promise to give you work. Then firstly to show that they have have given work, they will send some files to you which you can not finish in the time given to you, even by working eight hours a day. If, somehow, you finished the work by working 16 hiours a day, it is upto them (they say their UK based company), to decide how much they will pay (or whether to pay or not) on the basis of mistakes. Their actual motive is to cheat poeple in the name of security amount they charge. If they are really interested to get the job done, why are they charging security amount? And if they say this is very rewarding job, why don, t they employe poeple and get earnings for themselves?

Company: Data conversion job
Country: India
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