Enclose oil corp
Job offe

Career & Work

Hello sir i have received a job offer from "enclose oil corp." uk

please let me know it is genuine or scam.

below is mail that i received

thanks reply soon



EnClose Oil Corp... UK

144 Baker Street, London W1U 7BU

United Kingdom

Department: Job Recruiting Dept

Job Ref ENC67/23586C


ATTN: Jasvir Singh Mann


EnClose Oil Corporation is pleased to offer you a job as Mechanical Engineer. We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most valuable assets. Should you accept this job offer per company policy.

1.0: EnClose Oil Corporation have appointed you and found you qualified as one of the expatriates to resume work as soon as possible. A copy of your APPOINTMENT LETTER has been forwarded to Your assigned consultant agent for processing of your visa at United Kingdom Embassy in India.

1.1: Date of Resume: You are requested to resume work in the office on February 03

2.0: Job Location: EnClose Oil Corporation, 144 Baker Street London W1U 7BU, United Kingdom.

2.1: Job Title/Description: (Mechanical Engineer) (JOB CODE NO-549/597EnCo).

3.0: Work Period: Monday to Friday, Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm with break period between 12.00noon to 1.00pm. Expatriates are entitled to a one (1) month paid home leave.

3.1: Salary Indication: Monthly Salary of £4, 600.00 GBP, Total package (Four Thousand Six Hundred pounds) Salary can be transfer to any Bank or Country of your choice and all transfer must be made in conformity with the existing tax situation in UK.

3.2: Allowance:

Hazard/Inconveniences allowance, 5% of Basic salary.

Entertainment allowance, 5% of Basic salary.

All allowances are paid weekly and locally in pounds(£) equivalent at the existing exchange rate.

4.0: Paid Home Leave: All expatriates are entitle to a one month paid home leave, which can be taken once at a time or consecutively of 2 weeks with different interval period. All expatriates shall be entitle to a leave allowance in(£) of an additional 100% percent of their basic salary..

**********No allowances on leave period.

5.0: Safety And Security: Safety and Security of personnel. All expatriates are entitle to a free and mandatory safety course on Job Locations to be deliver by qualified safety and environment experts. All safety wears shall be provided by the Company at Job Locations e.g. Gloves, Shoes etc. as applicable.

6.0: Medical/ Health Facilities And Insurance Plan For family: All expatriates shall be entitle to a comprehensive health care service, which are to be administered by Medical Experts on Job Locations. In a case of emergency, an expatriate will be flown to his home country or any country suitable for the best medical attention. This decision can be influenced by the findings of the Company's medical experts, unless the expatriate in question states otherwise. After three (3) months of service all expatriates will be entitle to a Health Service Insurance Plan (HSIP) for family. The Health Service Insurance Plan is designed to Cover only three (3) members of your family. The Health Service Insurance Plan (HSIP) allowance can also be paid to the expatriates at the rate of £300.00 per family member per month which can be transferred on monthly basis without being subjected to tax.

7.0: Feeding And Accommodattion: Accommodation and feeding shall be provided for all expatriates by the company. (Intercontinental/Continental) will also be provided.

7.1: Transportation: An official vehicle shall be provided on 24 hour daily basis to all expatriate for local transportation.

A round trip flight ticket to cover the span of your contract engagement will be provided and delivered to you on the completion of your relevant travel documents and immigration particulars.

7.2: Additional Services: Recreational/Sports Facilities shall also be made available at the disposal of all expatriates with no expenses to be incurred. Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service will also be made available to all expatriates by the company laundry and dry cleaning unit.

8.0: Telecommunication/ Internet facilities: There are standard telecommunication facilities and internet services at the disposal of all expatriates, and same shall be accessible to all personnel (Local/Foreign) without any charge or expenses to be incurred.

Cellular Phones can be obtained by expatriates from the Local dealers/Service Providers in London, but must be used in accordance with the safety regulations on Job Locations.

9.0: Family Status And Arrangement: Family status arrangement can only be apply after at least three (3) months of service. The Application of family status arrangement indicate that an expatriate will be entitle to a free air fare for his wife or Spouse or any other family member which is to be Provided by the Company through the Travelling Agency/Consultant. Expatriates who intend to travel with their wife/spouse within the first three (3) months of contract engagement will have the cost of visa and air fare being borne by them and can only be reimburse after three (3) months of service.

This letter of appointment is based on the information furnished in your resumed for employment and if, at any time in future, it comes to light that any of this indformations is incorrect or any relevant informations has been withheld, then your employment is liable to be terminated without notice.

If the conditions stated above are acceptable to you, you are hereby directed to contact Dr. Charlie Smith for processing of your relevant documents/immigration particulars to facilitate your travel to UK for commencement of work and you are responsible for the visa charges.


EnClose Oil Corporation have mandated a reliable agent to assure immediate visa processing for all appointed applicant coming from China, India, Pakistan and Thailand round the Asia to avoid delay cause by visa processing. On this note you are requested to follow any instruction giving to you by the agent or Embassy when applying for visa. You are responsible for your visa fee and any charges that can come across while applying for visa while company is responsible for your air-ticket. You are hereby advice at this stage to contact Dr. Charlie Smith (via phone / email) by sending a scan copy of your international passport and passport photograph for processing of your contract engagement papers review and endorsement before commencing the procurement of your relevant travel/immigration papers to enable us ascertain your commitment to the acceptance of your job offer. Due to the sky-scraping number of applicants that we have on our database, all appointed applicant are given five (5) days to comply with requirement demand by the Embassy to get their VISA.

Contact the agent via phone/ e-mail using the contact details bellow:-

Dr. Charlie Smith.

TEL: 0091- 8553260501

E - email: charlie_consultant@live.co.uk

Visa/Permit Department

Shantipath Channkyapuri,

New-Delhi -110021.INDIA.


******Your contract agreement will be sign and send to you via DHL Courier Service as soon as we confirm that you have applied for your visa, This is a provisional appointment; final acceptance is subject to applicant meeting the company requirement.

For any query or question, please contact us via Tel: 44-701-741-8952 .

Thanks you for choosing a career with us and we am looking forward to working with you.

Mr. Orsborn Owen Jeff

EnClose Oil Recruitment Department,

E-mail: recruitment@encloseoil.co.cc

Telephone: 44-701-741-8952

Company: Enclose oil corp
Country: India
State: Punjab
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