Fraud company
Sattelite Data Services

Career & Work

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Ravi, I am one of your employee of the Sattelite Data Services. I sent by the hand of e-mail enclosed in the letter addressed to me.

The Sattelite Data Services located at Secunderabad is doing fraud to the people in the name of data-entry-works, they are providing data entry works by charging more-money, and promising false figures in return, and after submission of the work they just rejects the work showing false reasons and cancels the contract of the customer, this such service providers who are doing white collar cheating in the name of part time jobs etc, they are generating huge sum of BLACK MONEY by all these means, which the government should go through and wipe out from the society, they should be punished rigorously.

Postal Address:

Mr. Sayeed

Sattelite Data Services,

4th Floor, Srinath Commercial Complex,

S.D. Road, Secunderabad-500003.


Tele: 040-65261991 // 9160229608

Please give this matter immediate attention.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,


PS: Copy - To News Channels, Hyderabad

Company: Fraud company
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
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