Salary fraud

Career & Work

I, was employed to Horizon Technical Solutions (I) Pvt Ltd, #281/2, 3rd Floor, Road no 10c, Jubilee Hills, Near Times Kids School, Hyderabad- 500033 http://www.htsipl.com Now the company changed its Name as HORIZON an left this company due to certain concern which I would like to bring to your kind attention.

1. I got an appointment from Horizon Staffing, a running from couple of years and have major contract in the area of staffing skilled & non skilled labor and they deputed to their sister concern company HTSIPL as Technical Support Engineer.

2. As employee, I have to have certain policies to work but found most of the policies either neglected or taken on grant like

a. NO PF- No PF till date for me or any other employees who came and left just like that. Most of the time management answer is “Work in progress” “Will appointment HR Manager”. Though all this policies already in existence in Horizon Staffing.

b. Working Hours- 9:30 to 6:30 from Monday to Saturday. Life is really difficult and its matter of autocratic behaviour of management to run the operation like this where employees act as slave and living on master grace.

c. Irregularity in Salary- There is regular miss in time while paying the salary by the company everytime after 15 th without any prior notice. I left with management understanding that they will pay my balance salary but not happened yet. I was claiming for August and September salary but didn’t got any reply for the same Now if contacting my Reporting Manager he is not lifting call and on other hand i am geeting call from HR to don't distrub anyone in his Company.

d. Settlement- Now situation is like leave settlement and forget the company like other dream but it is really non social & unethical behavior of registered company toward citizen like us.

I am writing this with proper confidence to get your support to stop this company who operate just like that and and i get my balance salary which they settled though they are the owner of his/ her registered company and employee as slave.

Company: Horizon
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Hyderabad
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