HR Consultancies

Career & Work

It's a fraudulent company. They will say some big MNC company names and they'll assure you for your placement but they actually don't know any company. They'll ask you to pay Rs. 500 for registration and also Rs. 2000 - 3000 for company agreement. But they never get you even to any small company since they don't know any such things. All are fraudulent guys especially in salem the consultant named - SHARMA. He's a cheater and don't believe him.

Company: HR Consultancies
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Salem
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

Ebooktech pvt ltd
Fraud saalee

Godel Technologies
Godel Technologies is a big fraud company