Salary delay of one month

Career & Work

I have not received my salary for June month and full and final payment which is of PF. I am waiting for it from last 5 months

Company: Andromeda
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Mumbai City
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Citi Bank
Complaint for not closing salary A/c and imposing charges arbitrarily

Andromeda Marketing(P)Ltd
FRAUD -CHEATING ..Andromeda Abitha (9840717267)

Andromeda marketing pvt ltd and VodaFone
Not activating PostPaid connection and Mental Harassment of a Custome

Andromeda marketing
AndromedaCHEATING "Abitha madam GOD "

Andromeda marketing pvt lid
Worst service

Denis rascal

Andromeda Pbt Ltd
Salary not processed