Auto meter
Rigged Auto Mete

Cars & Transport

KA02 A 9165, badly rigged meter. Authorities should take note and cancel the license as this Auto Driver is a Cheat.


Company: Auto meter
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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Skoda car
Not functunig properly

Electricity -Meter
Charging illigal Money against blame to fault in Meter-Slow Running

SCAM in meter installing

Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam
New Meter Not Connected

Faulty meter and negative bills

License # 14584/01 || Badge # 14337/01
Local Auto-Rickshaw Bad Bahavior

Bangalore Auto
Rigged Mete

MGVCL, Vadodara, - Utility company
Penalty charged wrongly

Auto Rickshaw
Excess Fare and Faulty Mete