Chandra Hyundai/i-20
Servicing of clients

Cars & Transport

My name is Kunal Bafna and I am an owner of a Hyundai i-20 (Asta) vehicle. Till now my experience with buying and driving the car has been great. But I would like to narrate an incident which has spoilt my liking for the brand. It happened when I gave my car for service as per the schedule to authorized dealer Chandra Hyundai’s facility here in Coimbatore at Koundampalayam (off Metupalayam Road). There was no problem with the servicing part, but something which happened during the delivery of the car.

As discussed with the representative there I went to take my car for delivery in the evening. Arriving there I couldn’t see my car. Before seeing the car he took me to the billing and asked to give the feedback to buy my time. Understanding that something is fishy I asked him to show me the car first. Then I could hear some other person calling some driver to speed-up since the customer was waiting. On enquiring I found out that some driver had take my car out by for delivery, mistaking it to be some other customer’s car. On the cars arrival I couldn’t see the driver carrying any delivery docs of other customer. He drove around 15 kms, that too my arrival cut shot his drive. When I got furious the driver gave me excuses, saying that some white colour car had to be delivered so he took mine, which I never understood. At the spot I spoke to the local Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) and informed him about the incident. While leaving security asked me to show the gate-pass and checked it thoroughly. Where was he when the driver had taken my vehicle? This is not at all expectable from Hyundai’s network and I have lost confidence and trust of giving my car for service again. That’s why I asked the CRM politely to give me in writing/email explaining how the incident could happen and what are the steps you would take for it to not happen again to me or to any other customer. It has been exactly 1 month today and I haven’t got any reply from them yet.

Company: Chandra Hyundai/i-20
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Coimbatore
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