Yamaha R15
Defective Bike

Cars & Transport

I purchased yamaha r15 black (Engine no 38B1031436; CHESIS NO ME138B015B2031427) from India Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd, Wakdewadi, Pune on 17/08. Within 2 days i start noticing multiple problems such as rusting on various bolts, front disc break, paint removal from handle and rusting all across handle down the chesis. Over the period of time within 2 weeks I would see rear break making sharp noice, accumulation of water vapor in the techometer and multiple display section, loosing of clutch bolt, and even pronounce appearance of coppery deposits all along the handle section. To make it worse on 19th day of bike purchase i was unable to start bike (self start dint work and battery finished- i was not able to switch on headlights/display; the engine warning light poped up). I went to yamaha factory outlet next day (ironically in the next morning battery was working and i was able to start bike-strange!) and they told this is nothing but a common phenomenon during rainy season (Mr nitin who is service manager there told that it happens with every bike- on the other hand we inspected atleast 10-15 bikes parked there but not even a single such problem was apparent in all those bikes). The service manager nitin tried to mask the problems of bike saying it happens in rainy season be it rusting or malfunctioning of engine/battery (in fact he said that it's a loose connection that battery dint work). I came back from factory outlet and To my surprise next day same thing happened " bike is not starting... self start is not working... engine trouble sign is showing up..unable to on headlights...". I as a customer feel cheated and duped because I dint get in this bike what i paid for be it finishing or smooth riding (the engine makes some strange noise and the service guys twice washed mud/dust from rear break but again within half kilometer ride it would start making such noise). I am unable to feel the touch of a new bike. Therefore I request you to kindly look over this matter because i dont want a repaired bike, instead a bike whatever i have paid for. Now I want a replacement of the bike. This is what i feel:

1) Why should i get satisfied with a sub-stranded bike in spite of paying full money

2) Why company like yamaha with turnover almost 1000 Cr/year is afraid of taking moral responsibility and instead of replacing the bike try to repair it

3) Why service manager blindly ignored apparent problems in bike even when he compared to multiple R15 standing in the company premises (there were brand new as well as above 2000KM old bikes... even then he did not find any such problems in those bikes..rather ignored the fact)

4) Is company only charges for engine... and not for finishing/looks (my bike is utterly bad in finishing with handle frame material is unevenly molded/cut all along the handle)

5) Is policy of Yamaha Motor India above customers satisfaction

6) Can you guys feel the agony and in fact the pain of driving such a sub-stranded bike as a passionate bike lover???

Company: Yamaha R15
Country: India
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Yamaha motors
Replacement of Engine Components

Pathetic after saler service/Non availablility of spares

Poor service

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1) Yamaha Motor India Pvt. Ltd. 2)Citywide 2 Wheelers, Ahmedabad
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Yamaha R15
Worst product

Yamaha R15
Worst service

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Conmen in the guise of Service centers and Company Officials

Raj Yamaha, Chennai / India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd