Spice Jet Fraud
Unhelpful attitude of Spice Jet towards customers

Cars & Transport

I had booked return flt tkt from Mumbai-Hyderabad-Mumbai in the first week of Jan. After reaching Hyderabad, I recd an urgent call from my employer and had to travel abroad from Hyderabad.

I cancelled my return ticket Hyderabad-Mumbai (PNR-YP14BE, 2 adults and one infant, 04th Jan morning flt) through internet (Spice Jet website). I recd a confirmation stating status of ticket as refund pending and showing refund amount. As I was sure that ticket has got cancelled and after returning I wated to rebook another ticket in Spice Jet and asked company to adjust refund amount in my new booking - Spice Jet is simply refusing saying that my ticket was not cancelled and they will not refud the money. Despite trying to contact their customer care, they have been very rude and not willing to help and co-operate.

I had sent them scanned copy of confirmation which I got after cancelling the ticket adn also tkt booking copy. Cancellation confirmation clearly shows refund amount and pending status. Spice Jet has simply said that cancellation process was not completed and they will not refund money or credit same for another booking.

This is very disgusting and unhelpful attitude of this airline and I feel to protect customers interest this airline should be made to realise that they need a more reasonable approach while dealing with customers grievanes to customers faith alive in them.

This is a very sad experience I had with Spice Jet and would recommend airline passengers to avoid Spice Jet as far as possible

Please suggest how to make Spice Jet undrstand customers troubles.

Company: Spice Jet Fraud
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

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