Easy Cab
Worsk CAB Service in INDIA

Cars & Transport

Today I booked a cab from New Delhi railway station to Inderpuri, New Delhi at 9:00am on 28th Aug. I called the customer care and they confirmed my booking. I also got the sms confirming details Booking Id A082800693.

I called the driver around 10:16 am and asked him where he would meet. He told me that he is going to be outside ATM at Paharganj side. I called the driver several times from 10:30am to 10:45 am and he told me that he will be right in front of the ATM.

When I reached there with my wife, small kid and luggage there was NO cab and driver. I called the driver again at 10:45am and he told me that he will be there in 5 minutes. After that I called the customer care and the customer care executive told me that the driver will be there in 5 minutes. Every time I called the driver he told me that he will be there in 5 minutes.

Then driver asked me to come outside the railway station around 11am. I came out with my family and luggage outside the railway station only to find that the driver was not there. We were standing out with hawkers, touts and other Taxi and auto walas were coming to us every minute. People were smoking on our face. We were standing under the hot sun and bad conditions. It was the worst experience, me and my family have ever had. The driver finally came at 11:20 am.

We waited for more than 30 minutes. Driver did not come out of the CAB and we put our luggage into the boot. After standing under the Hot sun we were sweating profusely and we thought that the Air coniditioning in the cab might give us some relief. To our surprise the Air conditioner was not giving cooling effect. The driver was not wearing the seat belt. The cab was dirty. Inspite of my repeated requests the driver continued to drive rash at a high speed. He did not care to bother about any speed breakers and paid no attention to traffic rules. After reaching home I called the customer care who asked me to make the payment. I wanted to talk to someone senior. In fact the customer care executive told me that the CAB is in a very good condition and air conditioner is working fine. The customer care executive asked me to be on hold while they speak to their manager and then disconnected the call. I was waiting for a call back from Easy cab but no one called me.

I made the full payment to the CAB driver.

Company: Easy Cab
Country: India
State: Delhi
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Infomech group

Infomech group

Easy Cabs
Easy Cabs in Delhi - Cab not reported even after 45 minutes of scheduled time

Unable to render service even after confirmation/ Unprofessional attitude

Easy Cabs
2 Hrs delay than booked time, improper communication

Easy Cab
Unexpected delay and false committments

Infomech group
Infomech group - Indian Consumer Complaints Forum