Hallmark Auto Solutions

Cars & Transport


Invoice Number: SC 0294

I have booked a Ford Fiesta Classic CLXI Diesel from Hallmark Auto

Solutions authorised DSA of SC ford and have given Mr Vikram Arora

(Owner of Hallmark Solutions) a cheque of Rs 19337 and my old Santro car in exchange to him for Rs 190000 on the same day 04th

May for which he gave me a receipt for the same.

Vikram informed me that i would be getting the car delivered in 15-20

days from date of booking and will book the car on 6th May.

Its now been more than 1.5 months and i haven't received the car delivery yet.

The guy keeps on asking for some new documents and keeps on delaying

the delivery. Initially he told me that i would be getting the car on

25th May then informed that i will get it by 31st May but

he kept on giving me false reasons and purposely delayed the car

delivery. Then he informed that i will be getting the delivery on

8-9th June which i never got and then he said i will get the delivery on 20th June without fail.

He calls me on 20th June and asked for a photo which i have

already given him 2 weeks back. He gives all the reasons and keeps on delaying the delivery. I was been informed

from SC Ford that he will let me know whether i

will be getting the delivery on 20th or 21st June.vikram said that

it will take about 2-3 days more to get the delivery. My EMI has

already started and the loan amount was disbursed on 8th June and

the next EMI due is on 07th of July, so its been almost 20 days of my EMI and

i haven't received the car yet. Vikram had also abused me and blamed

RTO on the processing time it takes for registration of the car.

Vikram never calls and updates on the status. I still dont know when

am i going to receive the car delivery. The latest is that he had informed that he will give me the car delivery on 24th June and he has not given it which

doesnt come to me as a suprise, he informed me that the RTO passing has been done but has not received the number and reciept from RTO. He has told me now that he will

give me the car latest by 30th June now and i fell that he will default on this date also. He has informed that he will give me half months EMI in cash at the time

of delivery and also give me accessories of Rs 4000 as as compensation. But i feel its not enough considering the harrasment and mental trauma my family and I have gone through.

I am mentally harassed by this person. And my wife and me have gone through a lot of mental trauma because of this.

I am completely fed up with this guy Vikram Arora and he talks absolute rubbish and never gives you the right information. He keeps on telling you lie.

I dont even know now how many times he has faltered on his commitments given by his own mouth. Before booking he had informed me that he will give me a discounnt of Rs 27000 accessories worth Rs 7000.

which later he reduced to Rs 10000 Accessories worth Rs 7000 and have emails from him as evidence about this discount. I want to claim a compensation of Rs 90000 for

this perpetual delay, daily expenses of communting (Rs 600-800 per day) and mental trauma my family and me have gone through.


Dattaprasad Deolekar


Company: Hallmark Auto Solutions
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Thane
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DD 1200

NELTECH, New NO-96, 3RD STREET, GANDHIPURAM Coimbatore-641012, Tamil Nadu, India

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