Harhsa Toyota
Pathetic Sales

Cars & Transport

I recently purchased a Toyota Innova from Harsha Toyota, Chennai and here is my tale of woe.

- The vehicle was not delivered on date promised. There were 100 followups for the payment but none to check if all the documents were in place for the registration.

The sales person Maslimamani and his team lead Dinesh kept promising that it will go for registration on a particular day but never bothered to verify if all the

required documents were avaialble and then made me run from pillar to post at the last minute. Only for me to arrange all documents that they insisted on and then the

RTO rejecting the same stating scan copies of certain documents are not accepted and that they need the original. Sales persons cooly blamed the finance and financer

blamed the dealer. In between, the customer was forgotten.

_ Finally on the day the vehicle was to be delivered, knowing very well that the dealership is very bad on time, I asked Dinesh to give me a time to take delivery of

the vehicle and he said 12 noon. Now being a working day, me and my wife confirmed that we can get the vehicle at 12 noon a 100 times and reach the dealer only to see

the vehicle is not ready and worse still, the sun film is being done at 12 noon for a vehicle which is to be deliverd at 12 noon. Dinesh ended up giving the vehicle at

1pm with sun film that had not even dried properly and hence there are run marks all along.

- During the delivery, just after the pooja, I am handed over a feedback form and Dinesh again puts across his sales pitch to ensure a "10" rating. Which was pathetic

to say the least. After all the turmoil, who would give a 10.

- Post delivery, I called Dinesh the next day to enquire about the cost of a sun visor with vanity mirror and he still is getting back to me. I have even completed the

100km inspection and it is close to 3 weeks after delivery and still I am getting the cost of a simple accessory/part from the dealer.

- I receive a call from Harsha's CRM department and I give them all the details above only to receive a call back from Jagadish, the sales manager.

- Another wasted call with anoter person from Harsha, is how I will describe the call from Jagadish, not withstanding the fact that he was unable to deliver one whole

sentence in english, which I forgive, all that he kept repeating was this "I apologize the inconvenince, this is a courtsey call". I did not and still have not

understood the reason for a courtsey call after 2 weeks of the turmoil. While I was trying to forget the incident, here was Jagadish who kept reminding me of the

turmoil over and over again. Finally, in exapspertaion I asked Jagadish what he can do for me since I have already gone through the turmoil and his response, " sir, it

looks like you are looking for compensation, I will get back to you in 30 minutes". Well, it has been a really loong 30 minutes as it is now more than 3 weeks since he

had called.

In a nutshell, sales is only bothered about the "sale", no care. We pay lakhs and lakhs and all we get is this completely money minded sales people. The moment they

receive the payment, all is forgotten. Gone are the days of customer relationship, it is all only in words. I still remember the days I was into retail and how we used

to maintain customer relations with customer who used to buy for only 100's a month and also with the corporates who used to purchase in 10000's a month. Were we


Company: Harhsa Toyota
Country: India
State: Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai
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