Honda unicorn dazzler
Defective bike, Poor service from service provide

Cars & Transport

My name is Hoshang R Irani I booked a Unicorn Dazzler on 27/07/10 and did a full down payment on the same day and asked to deliver the bike on 30/07/10 which Mr Jitendra Patil agreed to as he was the salesmen I dealt with. On the day when I had to get my bike there was a bit of confusion, However, I did get the bike on the requested date.

The time I took it out of the showroom there was a major Gear Shifting problem, the bike would not go from 2nd to 3rd, 4th and 5th, so I took the bike to the service centre in Saifi lane, I met Peter there who said that they will need to check the bike for any faults which I agreed to but he didn’t take the bike at that moment, and asked me to get the bike on Monday. I went to the showroom on Monday and met Mr Patil who referred me to some else who took my bike for a round and said there is a Gear Shifting problem, at that moment I he got a requisition signed and asked me to go to the service centre, I went to the service centre and displayed the signed requisition at the counter and the person there (no name) he said to get the bike the following day, I handed the bike to the service centre on Wednesday to a mechanic who was very rude and acted like he was doing a favor to me, anyways I walked off from there and was informed I will get the bike in the evening. I called them they said they are waiting on some part for the engine and will get this sorted and I will have the bike Thursday morning.

Today morning when I called the service centre and spoke to Nain who said call after 15-20 mins which I did after which he asked some one in the back ground said Mr Irani has called for his bike, from what I could hear they were not happy with my calling the service centre for my bike. I went to the showroom and relayed my message of not getting proper service, There one of the supervisor asked his counter part to call the service centre and ask them for an update and they asked me to collect the bike in the evening. I called the service centre in the evening at 5 pm and again spoke with Nain who said call back in 15-20 mins which I did and then he said the bike engine is Faulty and need to change the Gear Rod. I still do not have my bike. I informed him I will not take a faulty bike and will ask for a replacement, he asked me to call the showroom on calling the showroom and talking to Mr Patil he said to ask his manager and talk to him.

On the second day of my bike purchase I had found that the fering on the bike are fixed in a wrong manner, one which had a color problem was fit properly and the other fering which was not faulty was fixed and looks very auckward, On informing the show room sales person they said get the bike and we will replace both the ferings for you. On taking my bike to and fro to show room for a week. On requesting Mr Umesh last week he asked me to get the bike on Tuesday and will be replaced on askin Mr Prasad how long would it take to do up the fering he said 2 hours. On taking my bike on Tuesday I was informed that I will get the bike in the evening. I had repeatdly said I work in Night shifts and is not convenient for me to finish my night shift and stay awake the whole day on saying that the response was ignorance. I have never felt so disgraced, My thoughts were Honda company being said would have a set training plan for their sales reps, not ignoring or telling the customer you are wrong. I have not bought a bike to tauture myself (Please be very clear). I was suppose to receive a call from the showroon/centre on the 18th, today is 21st morning still not received a call.

Company: Honda unicorn dazzler
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Pune
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