Indane gas agency (s-12/62, D-block, Rajajipuram, Lucknow)
Ill treatment of the customers and height of irresponsibility og the workers of agency

Cars & Transport

I am writing here certain points on which we the people of Rajajipuram need your concern

1. No complaint register is given to us when we want to make any comlaint and after a long conversation, they just give a duplicate register.

2. Workers of the gas agency behave in a ill mannered way with the customers

3. No verifiation of the complaint register has been done by any Indane oil corporation officers.

4. None of the workers are properly dressed in their uniforms neither do they wear they name badges.

5. When we enquire about their names so as to make any complaint... they usually dont tell their name or give any invalid name.

6. Agency owner as well as the manager never meet any customer directly so as to solve their problem ever.

7. No signboards and notice board are available in the Gas Agency office to help the customers to proceed in a proper criteria when they are in certain problems, such as

=> when one wants to transfer gas connection

=> when one wants to make any complaint to someone

=> to apply for double cylinder, etc

8. Gas booking can ever be cancelled by the workers of the agency without any prior notice and suitable reasons, whenever they want.

9. Gas is never checked for weight and other criterions before dilevery.

10. Booking Coupon is always given after 12 p.m. no matter what sort of emergency is happening with the customer.

11. None workers are there on time. Punctuality is never maintained in office.

12. Booking is never done through phone, infact phone is generally kept off the reciever so that no bdy can disturb them on call and no matter what sort of problem the customer is having, they have to alwayz come to the agency for booking the gas.

13. Residential Gas is openely used commercially without anyones objection.

14. Priorities of Gas agency is alwayz valued irrespective of the customer's satisfaction, specially regarding time of delivery of gas.

15. thers no generator facility available in the agency. lot of inconvinence for the customers when theres no electricity.

16. If the regulator is not in a proper condition of the cyllinder, workers of the agency pay no heed to it.

17.generally the seal of the cyllinder is not tight.

18. in special cases of public usage such as ceremonies, bhandaras, etc, extra cyllinders are not issued from the agency posing quite a number of difficulties for the customer.

19. Black marketing of Gas is done openly.

20. Shri Naveen Pandey, owner of agency is well mannered and polite but have no control over the staff.

21. no body recieves the complaint of agency

22. No suitable explanation is given when they are questioned for late delivery of gas cyllinder.

23. Workers unnneccessary put objections on different requests of the customer and genearaaly ask for "authority" etc.

kindly, please take neccessary actions against the agency and its workers so as to reduce the inconvinence that is caused to the customer.

Company: Indane gas agency (s-12/62, D-block, Rajajipuram, Lucknow)
Country: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Lucknow
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