Defetive Tyre

Cars & Transport

My name is Dr. R.K. Mishra and I am a busy Surgeon at Gurgaon, NCR, Delhi. I had bought my new Mercedes Benz Car which came with pre fitted Michelin Tyres. One day when I came from my residence to hospital I saw a bulge (bubble) was seen on the wall of one tyre I called my dealer of Mercedes Benz T &T Motors they said to contact. Michelin Tyres engineer at Okhala Industrial Phase I. When we went there they called that you should come latter. Again next day they said you should go to Manjeet Automobile and tyre, Gurgaon Sector 14. Again after many phone calls the Engineer of Michelin Tyres came to see my Mercedes tyre at Sector 14 Gurgaon. I ask the so called engineer of company Mr. Paramjeet why this bulge appeared in my car and this hole could have led to tyre burst with grave consequences while driving. The company person after seeing the car tyre handed over to me a report on this tyre. They claimed that this defect had developed due to wrong driving and wrong maintenance. I drive my car my own and as a surgeon I don’t even drive my car more than 60 KM/Hour. I requested the dealer to replace the tyre even I asked the Mercedes dealer of India to do something for that but they do not care. In my opinion these new company who came to India and want to market their product in India they are sending the entire defective product in India. They are duping defective product from all over world to India. I am going to sue them in court not due to my loss but as a doctor and responsible citizen of India I know that these tyres can take life to any one and I want to warn all the citizen of my country that they should not buy Michelin Tyres. Even these Mercedes people they are selling their expensive car in India fitted with one of the worst car of the world just to make money.

Country: India
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