Orix Kolkata Cab
Call Center Employees

Cars & Transport

On 2nd September I had a cab booking for 12pm. However, I needed the booking changed to 1.30pm and called them up at 12pm since the cab had not reached and neither had I got the sms with the cab number or the driver's number. The call center employee told me it is possible to get the cab at 1.30 instead. At 12.20 I got a call back saying that the cab is already there and that I will have to pay waiting charges. They claim that the cab was outside my apartment complex since before 12 but was not allowed in. If this was the case how did they agree at 12pm to change the booking to 1.30? Anyway..even after I agreed to pay waiting charges the cab driver said he will not wait. So i called the call center back and they said they will talk to him. I got no call back so I called them again and instead of telling me whether the cab will wait or not, they started arguing that the cab was there since 12 and that I called too late to change. I understand that I called at 12 which is my booking time but I was just asking them if it was possible and since I got the confirmation that it was possible from them there was no way of knowing. So instead of admitting they made a mistake they told me that I received an sms half an hour before and that means the cab is confirmed. However, I received no such sms. A man named Sudipto at the call center told me that I am lying since their computer said that the message was sent. Then when I asked to talk to a manager I could hear them talking in the background about who to give the phone to. A man named Bappa came to the phone and when I asked if he really is a manger he said yes. He was no manager. He also harassed me and told me that everything was my fault without listening when I tried telling him that his own employee confirmed that the 1.30 change was possible.

If they could not change the cab to 1.30 they should have simply told me so the first time. Also, if they cab was outside since 12 then it is THEIR cab. The woman who changed my booking to 1.30 should have known that and not changed my booking.

While I understand that changing cab timings is not possible, I did agree to pay waiting charges. Instead of clearly telling me if the cab would wait, they were harassing me by talking in bengali when I told them I do not understand. They definitely knew hindi because they spoke to me in hindi initially. When I asked to talk to someone else who would give me a proper answer Sudipto hung up the phone.

If this is how regular customers are treated then this company should really look into the kind of people they employ at their call centers. They do not know how to speak properly and should not blame a customer for a mistake they made.

Company: Orix Kolkata Cab
Country: India
State: West Bengal
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