Reckless Behaviour and POOR services

Cars & Transport

There are somany services which won't maintain properly... I hate to say there are two buses belongs to MRKP depot from marakapur to Bangalore... Two of them are worst in condition and there are bedbugs in the buses... we cant expalin the torcher of those buses... If it rains all the wanter will comes in side the bus... If APSRTC is maintaining the buses llike this then no need to blame praivate transport... Their only belife is the people will travel in those buses because there is no other facility to travel... They charge 350 rupees to bangalore and it won't worth 150 RS even... I am planning to put these thins in People Ombudsman and lock adalath for cheating the people like any thing.

Then on top of this the reckless behaviour of the drivers hurts us a lot... If we question them about the Bedbugs... the answer would be "We can't do any thing..Give complaint where ever you want"..It seems thier expectation is public is thier servents and they are not public servents.

Company: APSRTC
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
City: Prakasam
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APSRTC / Garuda
Pathetic services

APSRTC (Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation)
Poor service, terrible experience!

APSRTC BUS service
Bed bugs torture in APSRTC Buses

Rash and Reckless Driving would have cost the life of me and my family

Refunt of the amount that I was charged extra

Guys dont prefer to travel through apsrtc service... worst online reservation

Cancellation of buses with out prior information to customers

Worst Maintenence of buses and Management at depot