Inox, poonam mall, nagpur
Coustmer entering without ticket

Cinemas & Theaters


In inox, poonam mall, some of staff takes some less amount of money than ticket rate and allow the coustmer to seat in theater without ticket.

Means they are reasoning for loss of inox profit and tax also

Company: Inox, poonam mall, nagpur
Country: India
State: Maharashtra
City: Nagpur
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INOX Leisure Ltd
Wrong charges

India Today Book Club
Nondelivery of goods

India Today Book Club
Nondelivery of ordered product

Indian Railways
Refer all Complaints Registered Till Date No Action and attended

Indian Railways
Efund Cancellation Ticket amount and two Tickets issued for one cocontinue Jou

Indian Railways
Efund Difference Cancellation Ticket amount and two Tickets