Glamour Prints, 24 Shankar Market, Connaught Place
Complaint against bad fabric sold by shopkeepe

Clothing & Footwear

The complaint update against “Glamour Prints, 24 Shankar Market, Connaught Place”. This is to update I have never came across customer insensitive and highly unprofessional businessmen in my entire life for who don’t know a damn about customer loyalty and how to treat/resolve customer problem. The shopkeeper just have a mentality to rob the customer of their hard earned money

I have purchased woolen fabric for Rs 6000/- in Dec’11 for suit stitching for myself in Dec’11. I have spent huge amount on stitching as well. The purpose for which I have purchased the fabric could get resolve at all. It came to my astonishment when fabrics I purchased came out to be the worst clothes that I have ever purchased in my life since… one of the suits stitching gave away on the very first hour of very first day I wore and the rest faded in single wash.

I am currently in my 8th mth of pregnancy & I visited the shopkeeper after a gap of 2 mths of purchase because of my medical reason with the hope that at least he would give a thought to my condition and the condition of the pathetic fabric purchased but the shopkeeper didn’t listen to my problem at all, he just said this is not his problem but the problem of the customer who is purchasing the fabric. We don’t sell fabrics with guarantee; not only this, he carried highly rude attitude towards me. I was seriously disturbed by the unprofessional behavior with which shopkeeper deal with your customer.

Being a customer who has been treated by the shopkeeper so badly, I sincerely request all other buyers to visit “Glamour Prints, 24 Shankar Market, Connaught Place” at your own risk.

Company: Glamour Prints, 24 Shankar Market, Connaught Place
Country: India
State: Delhi
City: Central Delhi
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