A plus enterprise/Avenue infotech
Fraud data conversion ad by A plus enterprise/Avenue infotech vijay print

Computers & Services

It's my humble request to all to gather under one roof.

Please lodge your complaint at mumbaipolice.org.

Write to me at najeer@rediff.com.

We need to goto police station together & lodge the complaint. If we go together it will add ample of weightage so please do respond to me.

Also if this is getting read by tata teleservices, I request them not to give any data entry work to companies running through m/3 mehra compound. They might be getting work under different name. These people are involved in fraud & this may impact your business also.

Also post your complaint at newsnet@ndtv.com, feedback@startv.com

Company: A plus enterprise/Avenue infotech
Country: India
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

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