Fraud Company

Construction & Repair

I have dealership with Iglobul (Goo2o) company through Mr. Hemant Sharma and Pankaj Yadav. Mr. Hemant Sharma call me first and ask me to join the iGlobul company. For this they take money deposit of 12800 Rupees, and they promise that it will be refunded as soon as you get 3 referrals (11000 Rupees). There are two such persons who will come to me an convince me that you will get this money back 11, 000/ in just a week. But 5 months gone away and I did not receive my money back. I am also visit your office and meet Mr. Hemat Sharma. Every time Mr. Hemat Sharma committed me to add referral in my account but never fulfill there commitment.

I have also talk with customer care person but they cannot take action regarding this matter.

And the most frustrating thing is that Mr. Pankaj Yadav who came to me are now not receiving my call at all.

Sandeep Kuma

Company: Goo2o
Country: India
State: Delhi
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