Anusha Gas Agency
Non delivery of LPG gas even after several reminders

Construction & Repair


We reside in Padmanabhanagar. We book our LPG gas through Anusha Gas agency located in Bendrenagar. First of all the biggest complaint is that we need to sit with the phone for minimum 2 hours to get connected through the phone. All the time their phones are either engaged or they dont pick up. Finally once we get to talk to them, they say that the gas cylinder will be delivered in 10 days, but do not provide the booking number. They never deliver the gas cylinder in 10 days. Again its a big headache to call them and check to see when would they deliver. Inspite of calling them and reminding them 3 or 4 times, they never show up. Its already been 3 weeks now and nobody has bothered to send the cylinder. I have been tring to call them for the past 1 hour but either the phone is enaged or they dont pick up. This has become a big nucance and I am crying out for help.

Company: Anusha Gas Agency
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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