Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Thandalam
House Of Corruption In India

Education & Science

Fight Corruption IN Educational Temples

This goes out to draw the attention of the SPIRITED YOUTH of india. We want to highlight the importance of being a youth in India. Together we can wipe out the most dangerous ad corrupted of the Systems, then where does Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai stands.

1) Students here are encouraged to get there work done from some third party agencies like project centres and assignment centres instead of invoking their creativities. The staffs encourage students to go to such centres and get their project or assignment done.

2) The worst sufferers of this kind of problems are the innocent and meticulous students who want to learn new things and want to practice their creativity.

They suffer miserably in the hands of the staffs. What happens if the teacher becomes the corroptunist? There will be no future to the glorious past and present of india.

The students in this college who try to do things by themselves are nibbed in their buds. They are not allowed to blossom.

3) The students are discouraged from doing new things and only the students who go for project centres are encouraged and applauded and shown to the outer world as if they have done the projects. They are mere talk-puppets.

4) The students who want to do something are bombarded with harsh PENALTIES, LACK OF SUPPORT, UNDULY AND UNTIMELY ASSIGNMENTS (OF NO WORTH). Above this all they do not even receive guidance and financial support from the staffs.

5) Only thing they receive is Harsh RAGGING in terms of the seniors or MISBEHAVIOUR from peers which is pre planned by the staffs to discourage the spirits of the students.

6) This is not done. Students who have come from management quotas are never encouraged even if they are willing to do good. They remain throughout their campus lives as management quota students. What a harsh reality.

7) To further dd on to the situation the students who show interest are bombarded with undue assignments and report submissions so that they totally get distracted and must not be able to do or complete what they want to.

8) Staffs deliberately target such innocent and meticulous students so that they dont rest in peace.

What are we waiting for friends Let’s get together with ANNA-HAZARE and curb the existence of Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Thandalam, Chennai once and for all.

We don’t know how they have got accreditations and Upgradation as B-Grade colleges from Anna University. We seriously question the Honesty and integrity of Anna University and ask them this question.

Company: Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Thandalam
Country: India
Site: rajalakshmi.org
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