CMC ltd
Fraud institutes

Education & Science

Hi Engineering degree is not enough for students like this institutes raping money in this way. abut cmc ltd it is worst training with pay high amount parent's earning by Hard work. But this type dirty bull shits scrap your money in easy way. Why we have to pay money to work for them. Earning money through this way won't be stable. Please note down this bloody cheaters. If you need go and earn it other way, Why you cheating our student community

Students think once if one person got placed in mnc company what about remaining people places. in one course we have 60 members they provide level 3 companies placements they are also fraud like they give salary after 3 months like that.and more over there is no placements for Embedded systems

All of them are here talking nicely before paying money after that they did not remember even ur name also.

Think ones if it is training insistute why they conducted aptitude test interview after that they told ur selected for interview.

it is my own experience in cmc dnt go for that.

Company: CMC ltd
Country: India
State: Andhra Pradesh
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

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Denis (fraud fellow)

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S t a m i i n u s Dot n e t

S T A M I N U S . N E T

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