Mittal Commerce Classes Private Limited
Fee not refunded on leaving CA tuitions on specified time

Education & Science

Date: 26-May

Sir / Madam,

I am Hemant Khemka s/o Sawarmal Khemka, Address: C-12, Shivpark, Ambabari, Jaipur ph. 9351398751, got registered with a private coaching institute at Jaipur named Mittal Commerce Classes Private Limited (Shastri Nagar Branch) on 3-May (Receipt No. 1195) by paying a fee of 7500 in total comprising:

1. Receipt No. 1182 on 27-4 for registration Rs. 1000, and

2. Receipt No. 1195 on 03-5 on first day of batch Rs. 6500.

At the time of joining on 3-May it was told to me that as and when new topic will conducted they will inform me and I can take trial for few day, and in case I am unsatisfied, fee will be refunded to me.

I joined on 5th May, and unable to learn their (in between few holiday taken by them), and from last 7 days I am demanding my fee back, but now today they are saying after one month no fee will be refunded, its being forfeited.

I request them to deduct the fee for proptianate period and give me the balance, but no response from them.

In local newspaper comapny has claimed many promises that student satisfaction first and also claimed a high number of student who got passed with them near about 997 CA students. (This implies company has tought atleast 2000 student because result of CA is upto 30%).

On further inquiry find that on Receipt no service Tax is being charged, although their is seperate column for service tax, and center manager of company has put a stamp of non-refundable. On asking this, they said it is only a formality.

Kindly help me, as because of this I am can't able to concentrate, and in addition money pressure from my home side.

Address of Company is:

Mittal Commerce Classes Private Limited

Address 1: A-10, Indrapuri Behind Apex Mall, Lal Kothi, Jaipur Ph. 0141-3122277, 9314055518, 9929325016.

Address 2: 49, Cosmo Colony, Opposite BSNL, Amrapali Marg, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur Ph.0141-3122266, 9352471570

Address 3: B-18, Subhash Nagar shopping Center, opposite T.B. Centorium, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur Ph.0141-3139966, 9352940745 (I Joined here).

looking for your help, as too much stress from last few days, and time is running and can't able to join at any other place.

Thanks and Regards

-Hemant Khemka-

C-12, Shivpark, Ambabari, Jaipur


Company: Mittal Commerce Classes Private Limited
Country: India
State: Rajasthan
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