National Institure of Management - EMBA Programme

Education & Science

I had enrolled for an EMBA prgramme in National Institute of Management on 30.4.2007. The course duration was 2 years. i paid the fee of Rs. 15000 Rs. 10, 700 in total Rs. 25, 700 in two installment. But i got to know that they have closed down their branch in Bangalore in the end of 2008 and i could not contact their Mumbai Head office due to one or other pretext.

Meanwhile i had submitted a request in their Bangalore branch that i had lost my payment receipt while shifting hence to issue the duplicates. the request was under process and branch was closed down. now since march'10 i am trying to contact them but there is no response from their Mumbai HO too. Now, except my admission letter i have no other details from that institute.

Kindly help me in finding solution for this as my hard money and time is involved and i am really worried about it.

Company: National Institure of Management - EMBA Programme
Country: India
State: Karnataka
City: Bangalore
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