Fraud - Fake course and job placement

Education & Science


I want to do a favour to future graduates and jobless engineers looking for doing job oriented training. Please, for no reason join Smartbrains. What ever it claims in its web site is false. Nothing of that sort will be done.

For better future after graduating. Always go to Govt Approved Institues, The best I found out, sadly after completing my course at smartbrains,



The problems at Smartbrains

1>There is no proper class rooms. Its situated in a dusty apartment above a Gym, Its just a 4 room and big hall. I know its sounds funny, thats the truth.

2>Forget about the pirated softwares. They dont have enough computers to provide to students. In my batch there was one system for the 7 students and this brought great in difficulty.

3>Theres no projector/presentation based teaching, and Zero study material based on the syllabus given in the site. The teaching is just brief lectures by people working in EPC companies which is just general facts nothing specific.

4>There is no examination conduted or assigment/projects. They are busy wrapping up classes and beginning the next.

5>The biggest issue of all is lack of staff. There is no proper staff. Classes are shamelessy extended for weeks. Even daily classes, have to wait for hours for the staff to arrive. And sometimes they dont.

6>People if you are interested in joining in Smartbrains ."PLEASE DONT MAKE ANY PAYMENT". Attend the sample class and see how things are running. And request the institute to provide the entire date schedule for the course.

7>Their biggest catch is this

If you pay entire amount in one installment .you dont have to pay service tax (10.3) This makes all the students make huge payments at once. After which they trapped to do the course there.

8>And the funny thing is one the staff from a EPC has said the students. Mentioning smartbrains in ur "CV" is a black mark. It is not respected by any major companies in NCR/Delhi. Smartbrains has a tarnished reputation.

9>I am hoping you understood there is no point talking about placements. Placements are luck based and mostly does not happen. Even if they place it will be in companies smaller than the institute. Very poor placement track record. None of the companies mentioned in the website are their clients and they cant place you in any MNC mentioned

I humbly request you to spread this message to all your contacts and friends. I dont want anyone else to waste their money and time. Wish all of you a bright future.

Company: Smartbrains
Country: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Ghaziabad
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Pakka fraud fellow
Pakka fraud fellow

Denis Idiotic fellow
Denis (fraud fellow)

Denis Bullshit
Denis Bullshit

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